Cloud computing has spread everywhere. We use it in our phones, on our laptops, in cars and at smart homes – almost everywhere. If you want to understand how it works or how you can implement it in your company, you might read in detail about cloud services here:
We wouldn’t immerse ourselves in the theory very deep, so let us mention the main idea. In general, cloud computing is the technology that gives you access to some data or software on the cloud platform. The cloud platform is the analog of the on-prem server that includes storages, software, different deployment environments, etc.

For the business, cloud computing has three great benefits that explain such a wide cloud usage:
- Scalability. This benefit helps a lot of people use the cloud without troubles. Scalability means that the more users want to have access to your software, the more resources you’ll have at the moment. To prevent excessive spending, resources will reduce when the number of users becomes smaller.
- Cost-reduction. Cloud computing platforms provide you all the necessary volume of resource capacity. At the same time, you don’t overpay because cloud resources are cheaper than on-prem hardware and you pay only for the resources you use.
- High-availability. As we said, cloud computing is almost everywhere, so you can have access to the necessary software or the database at any time and any place from any device. Unlike the on-prem servers, which can’t guarantee you the same level of availability.
These are the main benefits of cloud computing. They bring this technology great popularity in different areas. You can face the cloud technologies in everyday life at home, at work, in your hospital, even when you order the food in local delivery. We are used to websites or phone orders in the restaurants, but the newest technologies allow automating the delivery process using cloud services.

How food delivery can use cloud services?
The first things that come to mind are applications and websites where you can order the food. But there are more interesting ways to use cloud computing and the newest technologies for food delivery. For example, Domino’s use robots for pizza making and delivery. You make the order with a special tablet, then the robot cooks the pizza and delivers it to you. The robot still needs some human help and control, but in general, it’s pretty independent.
Also, there is a service called Food Delivery Cloud that provides delivery services for different restaurants. They use modern cars and applications, thus the restaurant and the person that makes the order can keep track of the courier. Such service is provided by many restaurants in different countries. Thus, you don’t need to call the restaurant to ask where is your food, you can just track it on your smartphone.
Another way to use cloud services for food delivery is the smartphone application where you can make the order and specify the time. This is more habitual for food delivery and you might use it in routine life.

What’s the future of food delivery?
The robots already can cook, so the future of food delivery services is pretty clear. It might be developing a totally automated system. Maybe in the near future, we will make the order, the robot will receive it, cook the food and deliver it. But still, there is a lot of work for people, so we shouldn’t worry about workplaces.
Wrapping up, we can say that cloud services allow making a lot of great things, from the big spaceship to small robots for pizza delivery. It is great and developing technology, making our lives simpler and more convenient.