Promoting your social media profile and buying followers on Instagram with services like helps to add recognition to your brand, attract new traffic or simply make money through your blog.
Buying live followers on instagram is an effective tool to promote on this social network. In order for it to bring you maximum efficiency, you need to know some secrets.
- Limits. The policy of the social network is against buying followers and strictly monitors it. So if you want to use the service, observe the limits. For new accounts, the limit is 30 subscriptions / unsubscriptions per hour and 720 per day. For profiles from 6 months old – 60/hr, 1,440/day. The same goes for likes and comments;
- Activity. Start completing tasks gradually. Agree, it’s strange when you haven’t subscribed to anyone, and then suddenly 24 hours a day subscribing to 60 people per hour. That just can’t happen. Instagram notices this and sends you to a shadow ban;
- Choice. Use only one service. Instagram tracks logins from different devices to control account hacking. And each service asks you to log into your profile. If you use multiple services, there will be multiple logins. The social network is sure to notice this, and will not leave it unnoticed;
- Application. Features, capabilities and methods of promotion services are many. But it is better to apply no more than 2 methods simultaneously. If you have tried one tool, and it did not bring the desired result, and you want to try another, make a short pause between switching for 10-12 hours, so it will be safer;
- Filling. Before you actively buy subscribers by any means, fill out a description, upload an avatar, add links. Remember, in an impersonal profile even bought users won’t stay for long;
- Different actions. Buying followers, remember that Instagram users also perform other actions – likes, comments. So alternate between different options, or create complex tasks.
Other ways to get followers

- Posts from opinion leaders. You pay people with promoted accounts to recommend your product or service to their followers.
- Buying ads in other publics. This is probably one of the most popular ways to promote on Instagram after mass following and advertising. It looks like this. You place an ad in any major public with a link to your account, of course, having previously agreed with this page. Such promotion is only suitable for those companies that have a fairly wide target audience and it does not matter the geographical location of buyers.
- Targeted advertising. Since Instagram is Facebook, as it is one company, the setup is done within a single advertising cabinet. And the setup is done, one-to-one, as if you were setting up ads for Facebook. The only difference, you might say, is that you need to check the box next to Instagram.
- Giveaway. A fairly simple and effective way to get instagram followers quickly is to offer them some sort of prize for certain actions. Repost, tag your friends in a photo, etc. This is what another way to promote an Instagram social network account can look like.
- Flashmobs. Instagram users need to be entertained in some way? That’s why a special feature was invented – flash mobs. What’s the point? You place a photo according to certain criteria and indicate either a special hashtag or indicate the person who started it all.
- Mass actions. A small digression. Everything connected with mass looking liking is an automatic line. Especially if it’s done by a service, 24/7. So you can check this option and try to use it.